Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Top 25 Disney Animated Films

I know, I know, you've heard me talk about Disney before...maybe... But with my excitement for Wreck It Ralph this coming November I wanted to jot down the Top 25 Disney Animated Movies. NOT PIXAR, maybe later. Lion King is in fact The Best, a true fact but it comes in second to another one, which you'll see if you keep reading because we have to start at number 25.


5.220px-Snow_White_1937_poster.jpg Has my favorite Villain. 
4.220px-Movie_poster_the_little_mermaid.jpg She is my Favorite Princess though
2.220px-The_Lion_King_poster.jpg It is the best movie but in my eyes the greatest MOVIE is...
1. Beautybeastposter.jpg It's been my favorite since I could remember. This defines the classic idea of a Disney Movie.

Well there you go, what do you guys think? do you have one you think should be on here? A different order? let us knoww. TTFN

Monday, September 24, 2012

Chris Calfa Book Club Summer Selection

As most of you know, I've never been the biggest fan of reading. If you'v been in any class where I have to read a play, you can tell I'm reciting from my strong black ladyfriend, Wikipedia. When I was forced (influenced) by my former high school crush, Casey, to read the Twilight books before seeing the critically acclaimed film based on a true love story...oops.

Reading was stoopid to me, I felt we could spend our time doing more useful things like drinking and watching cartoons. I guess I was always a young one to just go to Blockbuster and rent the film without having to read the book. Didn't really help me out when I had to write about Romeo and Juliet in high school and I got off subject and started talking about how old Claire Danes is.

 Even after reading the first 40 pages of each Twilight book, throwing up, and fantasizing about RPatz, I didn't feel like an accomplished reader. Then this past year I was turned to two new medias that I have but ignored for too long, comic books and Chelsea Handler. I'm disgusted by the fact I never gave these two a chance when I was younger. Comic books brought out the inner story teller and artist inside of me while Chelsea brought out the slutty alcoholic inside of me. And I think we can agree I'm a better person now.

Oprah has a Book Club so I thought I would spread the word... Everyone should go out and buy THIS. Batman: The Long Halloween. Especially if you're a fan of Batman, this is better than any dumb book I've had to read in college so far. I finished it in a day. And people, it's not just a comic book, it's an amazing story.

If you're gonna start reading Chelsea Handler, start with My Horizontal Life: A Collection Of One Night Stands, it's her best book.

And you're all going home with a CAAAAARRR..... no I guess it only works if you're Oprah... oh well, go read children.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fashion's One Night Stands (or trends that should've never happened)

Fashion’s One Night Stands
By Chris Calfa

            I was originally asked to write about top 10 must haves in the closet for the Fall of 2012. I being the stubborn bitch that I am complained and stated that half of the things meant to be big in fashion much like the Segway, non Apple mp3 players, and Mariah Carey’s career/personality, do not take off.  For example last year the big thing of Fall 2012 was supposed to be “colored denim”, if anyone can recall this you get a friend request. I’m the last person to be asked for fashion advice, I know , I know I highly resemble George Clooney and Channing Tatum, get it all the time… but I have the fashion sense of Barney Stinson’s nerdy cousin from the state of Washington. I also cannot keep up with the times and what these crazy kids are doing these days; I haven’t even seen Ted yet. If you do want a list of must haves in the closet here you go:

1.     Socks
2.     Underwear
3.     Spanx
4.     Snuggie
5.     Uggs
6.     Rainboots
7.     Pants
8.     Shirts
9.     Wonderbra
10.  Tom Cruise to drag OUT of the closet

I thought what would be better than to look back on all the horrendous things that were popular that we still question why anybody ever thought it was socially acceptable to wear. I mean I can even look back on the years 2009 and 2010…

I was young, I was naïve, and I didn’t know these fashions would prevent me from getting laid. And I’m sure that’s what whoever was wearing the things in my personal Top 10 is thinking. So here it is:

The Top 10 Trends I Believe Should Never Have Happened

10.Hipster Glasses- I don’t care how ironic it is how nerdy you look, doesn’t make you look cool, makes you look like an idiot.

9. Bell Bottom Pants- They’re only good for hiding your kankles.

8. Crocs- ….Whoopi…

7. G-String with Low rise Jeans- I’m sorry are you Britney Spears? Oh no? I thought so.

6. Silly Bandz- That was a good summer…

5. Fur Hats- I’ve often confused them with dead animals. Oops.

4. Newsboy Caps- they won’t seize they day. They couldn’t even seize passed 2005.

3. Parachute Pants- Don’t touch them.

2. Abercrombie & Fitch- If you’re not under the age of 12 or a foreigner, you have no excuse.

1          1.     Grills- If you ever thought this was cool you should go see a therapist.